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Environmental Impactis a critical examination of the effects of a project on the environment. An EIA identifies both negative and positive impacts of any development activity or project, how it affects people, their property and the environment. EIA also identifies measures to mitigate the negative impacts, while maximizing on the positive ones. EIA is basically a preventive process. It seeks to minimize adverse impacts on the environment and reduces risks. If a proper EIA is carried out, then the safety of the environment can be properly managed at all stages of a project- planning, design, construction, operation, monitoring and evaluation as well as decommissioning. In a statement following North Korea's threat to fire missiles at Guam, Trump, on August 8, stated that should North Korea make any more threats to the United States, "They will be met with fire and firy like the world has never seen." It however remains to be seen if either North Korea or Trump will make good their threats. Tensions between the two countries have not been higher since the Korean war in 1950.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a critical examination of the effects of a project on the environment. An EIA identifies both negative and positive impacts of any development activity or project, how it affects people, their property and the environment. EIA also identifies measures to mitigate the negative impacts, while maximizing on the positive ones. EIA is basically a preventive process. It seeks to minimize adverse impacts on the environment and reduces risks. If a proper EIA is carried out, then the safety of the environment can be properly managed at all stages of a project- planning, design, construction, operation, monitoring and evaluation as well as decommissioning. In a statement following North Korea's threat to fire missiles at Guam, Trump, on August 8, stated that should North Korea make any more threats to the United States, "They will be met with fire and firy like the world has never seen." It however remains to be seen if either North Korea or Trump will make good their threats. Tensions between the two countries have not been higher since the Korean war in 1950.

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Our Mission:

To work with:
communities, governments,
partners and other stakeholders
across Africa to
promote humane treatment
of all animals.


To work with:
communities, governments,
partners and other stakeholders
across Africa to
promote Awareness on
the benefits of conserving
our environment

Our Vision:

We envision a world
where people show compassion,
protection, and care
for enviroment.
An environmental sustainable
world and fulfing human presence
in abetter enviroment.


We envision a world
where people show compassion,
protection, and care
for all animals.

Notable Achievements :

We have spearheaded:The drafting of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013 and review of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, CAP 360.

The amendments to the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013 to effectively address animal welfare issues arising from wildlife crime.

The formation of a platform that brings together law enforcement institutions and animal welfare practitioners to look into wildlife and environmental crimes.

The establishment of animal welfare clubs in schools.

Core Values :

  1. Compassion – Deep concern and care for all animals
  2. Partnership – Works with likeminded individuals and organizations.
  3. Accountable – Acts responsibly at all times in the use of resources and in the pursuance of mandates under our charge
  4. Rational – Activities will be informed by factual, moral and legal principles.
  5. Moral integrity – Steadfastly adhere to high moral principles and standards in our work practice in animal welfare
  6. Courage – Stand up for best practices on animal welfare at all times.
  7. Truthfulness – Shall stand for the truth at all times in words and deeds
  8. Effectiveness and Efficiency – Rapidly respond to develop intervention strategies and engaged to ensure successful implementation that generates best value for money.